Program Outline Available

By admin on September 21st, 2009
Posted in Program | 4 Comments »

Work is progressing on our program, and further news will be available in the next few weeks. In the meantime we have posted a rough outline of when things will happen, including the timings for major events such as the mass autograph session, art show reception and awards banquet. To see that information click here.

By Darrell Schweitzer on 10.05.09 6:40 pm

Oddly, I can’t find any way to get in contact with the programming chair directly. I am inevitably wondering at this point if I am on the programming this year. I THINK I replied to some inquiry. I confess I have tended to focus on the Board of Directors discussions, and specifics of the programme have not come up there. Now if there is no room for me on the programme I will understand, but I’d like to hear from someone. I at least expect to be at the mass autographing. — Darrell Schweitzer

By Kevin Standlee on 10.05.09 7:20 pm

Darrell: Contact information for all areas is listed on the About Page, where you’ll find that Programming’s e-mail address is In response to your comment, we have now also added a note with the Programming contact address at the bottom of the Program Page.

By tim sherburn on 10.05.09 10:36 pm

In many of the Conventions I’ve been to in the past couple of years, Kaffe Klatches have been set up with some of the attending authors. I was wondering if you were going to program any over the weekend?
Cheers, Tim

By Alan Beatts, Programming WFC 2009 on 10.09.09 3:33 am

Dear Tim,

World Fantasy does not typically have Kaffe Klatches and there are none scheduled this year. However, I suspect that you’ll find something similar going on at the hotel bar . . . all the time. It’s that kind of convention.

Alan Beatts, Programming

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