Cheryl on November 2nd, 2009
Posted in Awards | Comments Off on Impac Prize Long List
This news was embargoed until today, otherwise we would probably have been talking about it all weekend. The long list for this year’s highly prestigious €100,000 Impac Prize, voted on by the world’s librarians, has been announced. Among the nominees are:
- Escher’s Loops by our Guest of Honor, Zoran Živković
- The World Fantasy Award winning The Shadow Year by Jeff Ford
- Lavinia by Ursula K. LeGuin
- Anthem by Neal Stephenson
The Guardian has the full long list. There are several other books of a fantastical nature on it.
Cheryl on November 1st, 2009
Posted in Awards | Comments Off on Award Jury for 2010
The jury for the 2010 World Fantasy Awards will be: Greg Ketter, Kelly Link, Jim Minz, Jurgen Snoeren and Gary K. Wolfe.
Cheryl on November 1st, 2009
Posted in Awards | 2 Comments »
Many thanks to everyone who joined us for our live coverage of the award ceremony. Here are the award winners.
- Lifetime Achievement: Ellen Asher & Jane Yolen
- Best Novel (tie): The Shadow Year, Jeffrey Ford (Morrow) & Tender Morsels, Margo Lanagan (Allen & Unwin; Knopf)
- Best Novella: “If Angels Fight”, Richard Bowes (F&SF 2/08)
- Best Short Story: “26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss”, Kij Johnson (Asimov’s 7/08)
- Best Anthology: Paper Cities: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy, Ekaterina Sedia, ed. (Senses Five Press)
- Best Collection: The Drowned Life, Jeffrey Ford (HarperPerennial)
- Best Artist: Shaun Tan
- Special Award – Professional: Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant (for Small Beer Press and Big Mouth House)
- Special Award – Non-Professional: Michael Walsh (for Howard Waldrop collections from Old Earth Books)
The judges for 2009 were: Jenny Blackford, Peter Heck, Ellen Klages, Chris Roberson & Delia Sherman.
Cheryl on November 1st, 2009
Posted in Awards | Comments Off on Live Awards Coverage
To see our live coverage of the awards ceremony, click here.
Cheryl on October 20th, 2009
Posted in Artists, Awards, Guests | Comments Off on Lisa in the Graveyard
Neil Gaiman is currently stuck behind the Great Firewall of China, but he is getting some communication out, and yesterday his staff posted a journal entry about a project by our artist Guest of Honor, Lisa Snellings.
This is the first in a series of Poppet creations by Lisa that are based around Neil’s Newbery and Hugo winning, and World Fantasy nominated, novel, The Graveyard Book. Lisa is donating 20% of the proceeds from the project to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. For more information, see Lisa’s blog.

Cheryl on October 15th, 2009
Posted in Awards, Banquet | Comments Off on Banquet Reminder
If you are planning to attend the Banquet and have special dietary requirements let us know by this coming Friday, October 16. We can not guarantee the hotel will be able to accommodate any requests after this time.
Banquet tickets for the standard menu selections will be on sale at the convention by Registration through noon on Friday.
The 2009 World Fantasy Awards will be announced after the banquet. All convention members are welcome to attend the awards ceremony.
admin on August 18th, 2009
Posted in Awards | 2 Comments »
We are delighted to announce that the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winners for 2009 are Jane Yolen and Ellen Asher. Their awards will be officially presented at the Awards Banquet on the Sunday of the convention.
admin on August 12th, 2009
Posted in Awards, Guests | Comments Off on Ann VanderMeer Wins Hugo Award
Our congratulations to our Guest of Honor, Ann VanderMeer who, together with Stephen H. Segal, won a Hugo Award in the Best Semiprozine category at the weekend for their magazine, Weird Tales. The Hugo Award ceremony took place on Sunday night at Worldcon in Montreal. Ann’s husband, Jeff, also one of our Guests of Honor, blogged about the award here.
Weird Tales is also nominated for a World Fantasy Award in the Special Award: Professional category. Ann and Jeff are jointly nominated in the Anthology category for their book, Steampunk.
admin on August 4th, 2009
Posted in Awards | Comments Off on Award Nominees Announced
The list of nominees for the 2009 World Fantasy Awards has been announced. You can find them here.
admin on March 11th, 2009
Posted in Awards | 2 Comments »
The 2009 World Fantasy Awards ballot has been released and mailed to members of the current and previous two World Fantasy Conventions. You can also download the ballot from our web site. Members of the current and previous two WFCs are eligible to nominate. In addition to the nominations from the members, the Award Judges can add three or more nominees. See further details about the voting process on the ballot.