Media Questionnaire

By admin on September 8th, 2009
Posted in Press Office | 1 Comment »

Various members of the media will be attendance at the convention. Right now all of the people we have signed up are from industry publications, but we will be contacting local newspapers such as the San José Mercury News and San Francisco Chronicle. In order to help us better direct the journalists to people who actually want to be talked to (as opposed to those of you who would rather stay away from them) we have created a media questionnaire. You can find it here. Please fill it in if you are interested in talking to journalists.

The industry publications that we know will be attending are as follows:

If any other media representatives have memberships, please let us know.

By Pierce Watters on 09.12.09 7:48 am

Don’t forget David Hartwell with The New York Review of Science Fiction

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